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Siliconi obtains the UNI EN ISO 9001: 2015 Certification

15 March 2022

Last 1 March 2022 Siliconi Commerciale Spa obtained the important UNI EN ISO 9001: 2015 certification. Our company has implemented and maintains a quality management system that complies with the UNI EN ISO 9001: 2015 standard for the formulation, production and sale of defoamers, emulsions, additives, silicone and non-silicone products, and technical sprays for  different sectors.

The choice to adopt a quality management system was  made to pursue the company's objectives and mission: to ensure high quality and innovation in the offered products,  with  high attention level to customer needs.

Siliconi spa in its laboratories continues to research and develop new products that are more and more eco-compatible and assuring high performances made with renewable energy.

Siliconi Commerciale Spa, quality and Greennovations